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For Guitar Players Who Want To Play Music…Not Just Notes!

While also sounding like a REAL musician (with depth, rhythm, and soul) and amazing your friends, family and feeling like a total rockstar!

Pick Up And Play is a counterintuitive approach to learning to play your favorite songs — which allows you to pick up your guitar, turn your brain off, and just play… …Without sounding robotic, lifeless or mechanical.And maximizing your practice time, so you can see real improvements, in less time.We achieve this by eliminating the most common reasons most people struggle for weeks or even months to learn to play just a single song…And instead we focus on exactly WHAT and HOW to practice….Without any of the difficult (and boring) scales or exercises.And without needing to study confusing music theory… Wasting your time practicing like that can actually make you lose your PASSION… Take way too long to master… And can even cause you to REGRESS in skill.As a result…you can now spend your time playing the songs that inspire and excite you.– You will ‘Pick Up And Play’.

30 Videos – Over 12 Hours of Content

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Long before I created Pick Up And Play – I was struggling with playing the kinds of songs I  enjoyed, and was on the verge of giving up.

Like most guitarists, I spent my time practicing random chords, scales and riffs.

It was actually taking me FOREVER to really nail a song (from beginning to end).

And even when I thought I learned a song, I’d still make random mistakes, which would throw me off and make it impossible for me to get back into the song without stopping and starting over.

All I really had were a few song “chunks” and some random riffs to impress my friends with.

The “traditional” practice model simply wasn’t working for me… 

So if I was ever going to learn to play guitar really well, I was going to have to flip everything upside down… breaking all the rules and freeing me from the chains of the boring old ways.

After several years of trial-and-error, testing everything, and figuring it out the hard way… 

…I finally cracked the code that allows me to confidently play entire songs after simply listening to them just once or twice… 

Long before I created Pick Up And Play – I was struggling with playing the kinds of songs I  enjoyed, and was on the verge of giving up.

Like most guitarists, I spent my time practicing random chords, scales and riffs.

It was actually taking me FOREVER to really nail a song (from beginning to end).

And even when I thought I learned a song, I’d still make random mistakes, which would throw me off and make it impossible for me to get back into the song without stopping and starting over.

All I really had were a few song “chunks” and some random riffs to impress my friends with.

The “traditional” practice model simply wasn’t working for me… 

So if I was ever going to learn to play guitar really well, I was going to have to flip everything upside down… breaking all the rules and freeing me from the chains of the boring old ways.

After several years of trial-and-error, testing everything, and figuring it out the hard way… 

…I finally cracked the code that allows me to confidently play entire songs after simply listening to them just once or twice… 

Paulie Z Has Been Featured On:

When I started the Pick Up And Play course I realized there were a bunch of holes in my knowledge; and the course was really able to help fill in the gaps.

I recommend Pick Up And Play to anyone who wants to improve their guitar skills.

The Pick Up And Play method is fantastic. It’s an innovative new way for learning guitar.

The Pick Up And Play method made it really easy for me to understand, even though English isn’t my first language.

Paulie showed me his Pick Up And Play method and it was unbelievable. Suddenly, the notes I had been playing came alive.

The course showed me all of these basic formulas, and if you can just learn those, you can play just about anything. 

I came across the Pick Up And Play method and Paulie helped me build confidence. He has a way of teaching that’s very easy to understand.

this stuff is a cheat code. I was going through it last like wow this is really connecting the dots for me.

From: The studio of Paulie Z

Re: How To Play The Songs You Want In A Fraction of The Time (and why this is your only way out)

Would it surprise you to find out that in just a few weeks from now, you can bust out any number of your favorite songs anytime you want, by using the information revealed in this video training system?

After all, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet 🙂 

But first, read this disclaimer: 

I have the benefit of being a professional guitar player.

The average person who buys any “how to” information needs to put in some work if they want to get results. I’m using these references for example purposes only.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors… including but not limited to your dedication, experience, and work ethic.

And yes, it took me time and energy to achieve my results.

With that said … let me jump right in and show you…

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The same Pick Up And Play model that guitar players from all over the world are now using to play REAL music with feeling (not just stressing over chord changes and memorizing a ton of notes)…

…All while playing your favorite songs in minutes (not weeks)…

…And best of all being able to quiet your brain so you can play from the heart.

Soon After, the notes he was playing really started coming alive.

And even though gaining confidence as a guitarist, that’s not the best part…

The best part is seeing the eyes of your friends and family light up when they hear you play for the first time.

That’s right, having the people you care about look at you like a legitimate rock star is a feeling that can’t be described. You have to experience it for yourself.

And Walter A. isn’t the only one either…

…And soon he had over a dozen songs he could break out anytime he wanted…

Here’s another Pick Up And Play owner who started using these strategies…

Meet Steve F. Who Finally Got To Sound How He Always Wished He Could.

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This Pick Up And Play model is unlike any method you heard of before…

…This is something completely different, because…

In fact: we rarely (if ever) get stressed or frustrated playing guitar.

This is something completely different and it has the power to change everything for you…

…and I know that’s true…

Because it changed everything for me.

The Pick Up And Play model allowed me to get rid of 99% of all the BS that I hated when it comes to playing guitar…

Here’s what my life used to look like (and If you’ve ever had a stack of guitar books in front of you or dozens of browser tabs open, then I’m sure you can relate)…

I call this the “Practice Session Of Doom”:

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The “Practice Session Of Doom” not only sucked, but kept me stuck for 3 years – forcing me to take MONTHS to play the songs I wanted to and feeling like I wasn’t making any real progress.

…All while working my ass off.

…I almost gave up on this whole idea of playing guitar.

My brother David was teaching himself the guitar and bass, and was becoming light-years ahead of me.

In fact, we grew up idolizing the band KISS. 

And while I was struggling to teach myself even a single song of theirs, David was able to play their entire album Alive! flawlessly…

Watching him get better every day motivated me to give the guitar one final shot.

…So, before I was ready to give up for good, I needed to ask him the secret.… 

I wanted to ask how he was able to teach himself entire songs, from start to finish so quickly…

And be able to play them nearly perfectly every single time…

And what David told me would change everything.

“It’s actually pretty simple”… He said, with a grin on his face…

“First, let’s look at the chords we’re going to play… 

Most blues and blues-rock music uses the 1,4 and 5 chords…

“So, if this song is played in the key of C, that means the only 3 chords I’ll have to worry about are C, F and G…

This same idea applies to every song and every genre of music…

Some styles use more than three chords, and they aren’t always the 1,4 and 5 chords… 

But they all follow this universal principle”…

This started to make sense to me and I began quickly taking notes in my journal…

But it was the next thing David said that really brought everything together…

“Okay, now you need to know that all genres of music use their own distinct rhythm patterns…

This might sound complicated, but it’s just a fancy way of letting you know when to change chords…

And since we already know what those chords are going to be (in this case 1,4 and 5)…

We’ve eliminated 99% of the guesswork…

The Combination of Rhythm Patterns and Knowing Which Chords To Play Is Known As A Chord Progression…

And understanding Chord Progressions means songs practically play themselves…

So, when I want to teach myself how to play a song, I never try to memorize it note for note…

Instead, all I’m doing is listening for when to change chords…

That’s The Secret To Being Able To Play Brand New Songs From Start To Finish In Just Minutes”… 

And as you’re about to find out, when I stopped focusing on trying to play every single note… And instead just focused on the simple Chord Progressions, my ability to learn new songs quickly, did a complete 180…

I stayed up all night practicing when I noticed something that would change the game forever…

After I was able to teach myself the first song off that KISS album, I noticed that other songs all sounded pretty similar…

David explained that nearly all bands develop their own “Signature Sound”… A sort of “trademark tone” that most songs from a specific artist will have in common…

“Have you ever noticed how a lot of AC/DC songs, for instance, have a similar sound?

Or how you can recognize an artist, even if you’ve never heard that particular song before?” David asked me… 

“This is because musicians tend to make many of their songs sound very similar…

This doesn’t just apply to rock… It’s every style of music”.

This means that once you learn how to play the basics structure of just one song by an artist, you can learn more of their songs in a fraction of the time.

And This Is Exactly How Professional Musicians Are Able To Learn To Play New Songs Nearly Flawlessly In Just Minutes!

And I spent years turning everything I learned into an easy to follow system that anybody could use…

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I’d like to introduce myself and tell you about how all this came to be.

My life’s pretty good right now, and my career is a big part of that.

I have a beautiful wife and an amazing son.

I was the star of my very own TV show called Z Rock…

I’ve traveled the world performing in front of millions of fans, and touring with some incredible rock stars such as:

KISS, Alice Cooper, AC/DC, The Sweet, Twisted Sister, Dave Navarro, Poison, and tons more…

And I’ve also recorded in some of the most prestigious studios out there… (This is where being able to learn new songs lightning fast means the difference between getting paid or getting fired)…

As of writing this, I’m currently touring all over North America, but who knows where I’ll be next month

I grew up in a tiny apartment in Brooklyn, New York

I wasn’t cut out to work a “normal” job…

I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life…

… and my band had just broken up.

This meant I was nowhere near my dream of touring the world playing music.

There’s a stupid myth out there..that if you keep working at something long enough, it’ll eventually work itself out.

… Well sometimes it doesn’t..

And if you have no backup plan, it is almost never the answer…

I gave it everything I had.

Because I played by the rules and I did everything right…

I Ended Up Performing At Children’s Birthday Parties To Pay The Bills Felt Something Was Missing…

I love children, so it wasn’t that I was unhappy performing for them… 

But my true passion was to be on the big stage playing hard-hitting rock music.  

I had goals, dreams and aspirations…I wanted more out of life…

…and playing “birthday songs” wasn’t enough.

So I did what everyone else out there does in this situation.

I started looking for a way out.

I had my guitar in my hand practicing practically 24/7.

Between the children’s parties, small music venues, and occasional corporate events or weddings, I was completely burnt out.

I needed a way out, but didn’t know where to look…

I searched for months, and eventually I found something that seemed promising when I searched outside of the music world.

I began a spiritual journey that helped me look at the world and music in a totally different way.

They read about a concept called Pattern Mastery. Basically the concept is that there are repeating patterns found everywhere in the universe. 

And music is no different… Every style of music, every instrument, and every song follows common patterns… 

When you can learn these patterns, you can teach yourself any song you want, since you are simply repeating the patterns. 

Through meditation I also learned about Strategic Practice Sessions which would become the breakthrough that changed my life forever.

This was a cool concept to me, and as I researched more and more I found that by concentrating on just a few small elements for a few minutes at a time, I could SHORTCUT the learning process. .

This concept held the key to helping me learn songs much faster…

Which made me a much better musician, and ultimately led to my music career really taking off.

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Having A Tested And Proven Practice Sessions Is The Most Effective And Easiest Way To Learn New Songs Quickly!

Having a focused practice routine means you’ll make more progress in less time…

Wouldn’t you want to learn more in 10 minutes, than most people do in 2+ hours? 

Professional musicians are able to learn new songs because we understand the patterns that make up the songs we want to learn… 

Think of these patterns as shortcuts to playing what you want to play in a fraction of the time…

Don’t you think you’ll be able to learn songs quickly when you learn these pattern shortcuts?

Different styles of music, each typically only use a small handful of chords for the majority of songs…

If you focused on practicing the chords that you were most likely to use in the songs you want to play, don’t you think it would make learning those songs easier?

Every style of music has several specific rhythm patterns that are used in nearly every song in a particular style… 

By understanding these rhythm patterns, wouldn’t you be able to learn new songs quickly by simply ‘filling in’ the patterns?

Knowing which chords we’re going to play and letting the rhythm patterns tell us when to play them gives us our Chord Progression…

And since most songs in any given style use the same chord progressions, wouldn’t every new song we learn be a bit easier than the previous song? 

By training your ears, you’ll quickly pick out every chord, note, riff and solo…

Training your ears so you can pick out all of the unique details that make your favorite songs sound unique, eliminates ALL of the guess work. 

Wouldn’t you like to know EXACTLY what to play, and never be dependent on guitar tabs? (that may or may not be correct in the first place) … 

When you understand these concepts, playing guitar becomes just like a “Paint By Numbers”…

The chords tell you what to play, and the patterns tell you when to play them…

I’ve spent most of my life learning all these shortcuts… and now, through just a few hyper-focused video lessons, I can simply hand you the information that took me years to learn.

And here’s the best part…

You Don’t Have To Practice Until Your Fingers Bleed To Enjoy Seeing MAJOR Improvements!

Which means you can make REAL progress on your guitar, even if you live a very busy life…

All you have to do is understand the predictable and repeatable “patterns” associated with the style of music you want to play, and the majority of what it takes to learn a song from start to end, will begin to take care of itself. 

And That Was The Birth Of My Music Career

After I got the jump-start I needed – I started hearing musical patterns everywhere.

I had no idea how to apply everything to my guitar just yet…

All I knew how to do was if I kept at it, I would be able to learn new songs lightning fast (Something essential if you want to play in a band, jam with friends, or just enjoy effortlessly making awesome sounding music).

When I didn’t have a guitar in my hands, I was reading everything imaginable on topics such as mindset, forming new habits, and accelerated learning. 

Here’s an idea of what my desk looked like:

And even though I had a brother who was born with the gifts that made him one of the best bass players in history…

I still had to work my butt off to try and figure out 99% of this stuff on my own.

Looking back, those first few years were brutal.

Learning one song, but forgetting another…

Hearing my musically talented friends and family telling me to “Just keep practicing… You’ll get it eventually”.

Meanwhile, I was working harder than you would believe, and was making little to no progress.

That was my life and I was ready to quit.

But thankfully, I didn’t…

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That Was 35+ Years Ago, And Fast Forward To Today And It Almost Seems Like A Bad Dream

I proved the idea of “following the traditional life path” to be all wrong…

Instead of growing frustrated enough that I’d eventually put the guitar down for good…

Being able to learn new songs in just minutes has lead to amazing opportunities like:

…Not to mention having the privilege of helping people just like YOU to sound like a real ROCKSTAR!

(Here I am in 2015 with Dee Snider of Twisted Sister)

I have my own guitar and vocal business, and a 501(c)-3 Non-Profit for children’s music education called the David Z Foundation, which allows me to help some very deserving youngsters, all over the world.  

Unlike most other guitar teachers out there, who can only repeat what they have been taught, and have probably never played outside of the classroom. 

I’ve gotten to learn from the best musicians in the world… Because I’ve performed with the best musicians in the world… 

And I know EXACTLY what it takes to learn to play new songs in just minutes.

Listen, spending hours practicing non-musical exercises, playing scales until your fingers bleed and studying tons of theory makes ABSOLUTELY NO sense when you simply want to enjoy playing some of your favorite songs.…

It drove me to the point where I was practically pulling my hair out.

I’m not saying that stuff doesn’t have it’s place… Sure, it can be helpful… But not if you still can’t play at least a dozen songs, effortlessly and without having to think about what you’re doing.

Instead of being a Guitar Player, I was a frustrated wanna-be.

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Wanna Know What The Main Difference Is With Pick Up And Play Model And That “Old Way” Of Doing Things?

Everything revolves around playing the songs you love, and NOT just practicing for the sake of practicing.

Rather than mindlessly picking up some random scales, exercises and random parts of songs…

Here’s what it looks like now:

And The Result Of Using This New Method?

Now, I’m able to learn how to play complex songs like this, IN JUST MINUTES instead of weeks or months…

[Insert video of Paulie Playing on stage]

Which Naturally Leads To…

I get to spend time writing and recording original songs…

And the best part is that I get to perform for children whenever I want and not because I’m struggling to pay the bills.

The really cool thing is that…

If you follow every single step that I teach, you end up with the freedom of knowing you can teach yourself to play just about any piece of music you’d ever want…


But it’s much more than that… 

It’s Actually The Fastest Way To Play Your Favorite Songs While Also Becoming A Better Musician…

How many “guitar how-to’s” have you seen come and go through the years?

…whereas, my counterintuitive Guitar Playing Systems have been going for over 30 years straight.

Now, speaking of the system…

I’m going to share something that’s a little bit disturbing with you.

…I am revealing a bit too much by showing you this.

And the other rock star wanna-bes out there are making loads of money by teaching the opposite of what I teach (the old, difficult, and ineffective way).

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The World Is Full Of Confused And Frustrated Guitarists Who Struggled Learning To Play BECAUSE They Never Learned To Listen.

Because of that there are two types of guitarists out there.

There are “Guitar Practitioners” “Guitar Players”.

For my first few years – I was a “Guitar Practitioner.”

“Guitar Practitioners” stress over training their hands with weird techniques (such as spider walking) – which results in rigid chord changes, missing notes 80% of the time, and playing that sounds flat-out mechanical… 

And by focusing on this strategy – they spend a ton of time on… 

All of this requires time and energy.

The problem isn’t the model itself (many people have learned this way).

…but it’s the unrealistic time commitment required.

Because let’s face it: many of us are busy, and just don’t have a lot of time to practice for hours every day – let alone wasting time with trial-and-error.

And this is the same exact thing that happened to me before I figured out the Pick Up And Play system… 

You Want To Focus On The Chord Progressions Not The Individual Notes

I said it: We learn how to de-construct different music styles down to their essential rhythms and patterns…

…Because when you understand the Chord Progressions it turns playing music into a Play-By-Numbers process… 

…instead of freaking out over memorizing notes.

No thanks. I did that before and it sucks.

…I explain everything in Pick Up And Play. My top-to-bottom video training that shows you everything you need to know.

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So Here’s The Genius Behind The Pick Up And Play Model

Right now, as you’re reading this very page…

There’s a lot of activity happening in the world of Guitar Learning.

It seems every day there’s a new YouTube channel promising to have you shredding speed metal songs or letting your hands fly free like Stevie Ray Vaughan in a single weekend… Ha

This has created not only massive distrust — but a whole lot of confusion for people like you just trying to enjoy playing your guitar more.

Now, most guitar students are looking for a new solution… a simpler, more clear way to be able to pick up your guitar at any moment… and play the songs you like whenever you want.

And as you may have guessed it — I’ve got you covered.

And what’s really cool is that I’ve figured out a way to combine Structure + Creativity equally…

…which will have you learning guitar in a way that’s not only scientifically-backed, but also a whole helluva lot of fun too… 

Learning Chord Progressions will turn playing your favorite songs into the musical “Play-By-Numbers..” 

So you can retain the music and play it effortlessly whenever you want, since you won’t be wasting time trying to memorize every individual note.

Because Let’s Be Real – Nobody Wants To Sound Mechanical Playing Notes For Hours Until Their Fingers Hurt (Only To Forget Everything The Next Day)

And that’s where the Pick Up And Play  comes in…

It does this beautifully in 4 easy steps…

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And that’s the difference here:

With Pick Up And Play, learning to play your favorite songs is both amplified and sustainable.

You see, learning the guitar WITHOUT a clear, step-by-step system you end up…

…practicing too much but never retaining more than just a few random bits and pieces…

…embarrassed when friends and family ask you to play something but you don’t know how to play a song the whole way through yet… 

…confused and left wondering, “What do I do next?” or “Where did I go wrong?”…

Look: I’m not saying learning through YouTube videos (etc) CAN’T work…

What I AM saying is since what you mostly want to get out of the guitar is to be able to jam out to your favorite songs…

…going about it WITHOUT a proven and tested system might actually be the thing that’s holding you back from getting it!

YouTube lessons, how to e-Books, and advice on random forums requires you to blindly trust that the information you’re getting is true (hint: most times it’s just opinion, not fact) and suitable to YOUR goals… 

With Pick Up And Play all you have to do is follow my simple and proven 4-step system, and you’ll learn how to play your favorite songs within minutes – not days (or weeks).

And that’s why this is different.

And You Know What? I’ll Stake My Entire Reputation On This One Promise

Start rocking out to your favorite songs today… 

And once you use this Pick Up And Play model…

Playing your first song (and then your second and third and so on…) from start to finish won’t be something you ever need to worry about again – or even think about.

It’s something that will come naturally to you when you understand the Chord Progressions of your preferred music style… 

…and learn how to train your ears so that the songs can flow out of you with depth, soul, and even a little bit of creative flair.

Here’s what I want you to do now: set your calendar and it to 3 days from today.

Because when you implement everything I’m going to share with you in the Pick Up And Play video trainings…

That’s when you’ll start hearing and feeling the first real, measurable results…

That’s how quickly this change will come. 

I know how ridiculous and cliche that sounds…

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And Just A Few Years Ago… I’d Tell You That You’re Crazy If You Ever Believed Such A Model Existed…

…But, today I know better.

I don’t care how many times you’ve tried to master playing even just one or two of your favorite songs…

Anyone with a passion for guitar can do it with the right model (more on this below)..

Ultimately I want you to know one thing..

If I Can Do This, So Can You!

…And Pick Up And Play Will Be Your Guide

Because over 2,500 private students, (aged 5-75 from all over the world) are doing it too right now with

Let’s Take A Look Inside The Pick Up And Play Members Area:

And Here’s Another Reason You Too Can Do This

It took me many years to figure this out…

…and another few to really perfect it.

Which is safe to say that there isn’t anything left for you to figure out.

I already did all of the hard work for you.

Which means…there’s nothing for you to have to worry about.

You just need to join Pick Up And Play today and most important of all – implement it!

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Here’s The Exact 3 Step Pick Up And Play System

Step 1 – Prepare Your Mind And The Materials – I’m going to give you my best techniques to “get your head in the game” and primed for learning songs quickly. You’re also going to understand how to choose the right songs and materials in order to maximize your practice time and cut down the learning curve as much as possible.

Step 2 – Strategically Practice The Core Elements – This is the heart of the whole system. I’m going to show you how to break down everything that makes up your song, which will allow you to lock the Rhythmic Patterns, ear training and Chord Progressions into your mind. 

Step 3 – Play Along With The Actual Music – I’m going to show you how to take your “core elements” and use them to play along with your song in real time, while also minimizing practice time, mistakes, and finally have fun playing the music you love!

Those are the 3 steps that will have you playing your favorite songs without feeling stuck or like you’re just not making any progress.

All of this is revealed in the Pick Up And Play video training system in step-by-step detail… 

And that’s not all, because…

Inside of Pick Up And Play You’ll Also Discover

We’ll also show you how to learn songs you ENJOY playing from start to finish… so you can ‘pick up and play’ at any moment without feeling intimidated!

If playing your favorite songs is what you want, this is the ultimate system for you.

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Plus, You’ll Also Get Play-By-Numbers Chord Patterns 

When professional musicians are asked to cover a song, we may only have a few minutes to learn it from start to finish…

…And if we can’t play it flawlessly, you can bet we won’t get hired again…

But when you can nail it the very first time, it opens up a never ending amount of possibilities for you…

Everything from being asked to join bands, to getting booked for gigs, to having the best time ever playing for yourself, friends and family.

That’s a feeling I want you to experience for yourself.

Which is exactly why this Bonus Gift is so incredibly valuable…

Play-By-Numbers Chord Patterns is the ULTIMATE shortcut for learning songs in minutes…

The strategies from this masterclass have been called the “Holy Grail” for learning a new song after hearing it just once or twice.

In it, we’re going to dive deep into how to uncover the patterns that different genres of music all share…

Then we go another step further, so you can take this same strategy and apply it to specific musicians within different genres. 

Imagine how it’s going to feel when someone asks you to play a song by an artist you’ve never played before… You pop in your earbuds and give it a quick listen…

And Before You Download Pick Up And Play …I Want You To Know That There’s No Catch!

I realize this is very inexpensive and that I’m practically giving it away…

And you’re probably wondering:

“If this system works so well, why would you give it away for next to nothing?”…

“So there has to be a “catch”…

And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they stick you in some program that charges your card every month.

This isn’t one of them. 

There’s NO hidden “monthly membership program” you have to try or anything even remotely like that.

My hope is that you’ll love it and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come.

But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

Which would eat up profits and also make it much more difficult to help more people…

I consider that a true win/win…

Also in most cases, I take a loss when selling this training at this price.

Simple. I’m making this offer with the idea that you’ll be very impressed with what I’m giving you today, and you’ll want to do more business with me in the future.

I’m betting that you’ll enjoy Pick Up and Play so much, you’ll practically beg to take additional classes or training from me. 

Anyway – with all of that said, this is a limited offer.

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You’re Also Getting: Music Theory Made Easy

Understanding music theory opens us up to the world of Music. 

It teaches us an entirely new language that allows us to interact universally with others. It also increases our skills in musical literacy and guitar playing ability. 

Music Theory Made Easy will further our understanding of the basic elements of what makes up a song, how to expand your musical range, and it will allow you to appreciate other musicians on a whole new level.

And there’s no charge for it. I want you to have this as my gift for checking out Pick Up and Play.

But we’re not done just yet…

You’re Going To Receive: Learning Songs Lightning Fast

For most people, it’s easy to start hearing that a lot of songs from a particular artist sound very similar…

However, hundreds of songs from all different styles actually use the same chord progressions and rhythmic patterns, yet sound completely different from one another. 

in Learning Songs Lightning Fast I’m going to pull the curtain back and reveal how to use this to your advantage so that you’ll be able to master brand new songs without any limitations or confusion.

It won’t matter if you want to play rock, country, blues, pop or more…

Once you understand how you can create so many original songs using the same chord progressions, nothing will be able to stop you from learning all the songs you want…

Oh. And in case you’re wondering …

Of course there’s a money-back guarantee.

In fact, I think it’s …

The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World

Here’s the world’s best guarantee.

I know that before I get into anything…

…I’d like to know what I’m buying and that it’s backed by a solid money-back guarantee.

And I want you to be comfortable with this investment.

Like my grandpa used to say “Test drive the car before you drive it off the lot”…

So here’s what I’ve arranged:

Get your hands on the training, put it under the microscope, but more importantly apply what you learn in there.

And if you’re not blown away by what you learn, then just shoot me an email and request a refund within 30 days.

How’s that for the world’s best money back guarantee? I’d say pretty good!

And since you’ve made it this far, I’ll assume that you’re ready to get started, so with that in mind…

Now Available For Instant Download

Click HERE To Get Your Instant Access

I’ll talk to you in our private Jam Studio members area which you’ll get instant access to as soon as you join Pick Up And Play.

P.S. Remember, Pick Up And Play comes with The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World.

Download it, go through it, implement it and get results. 

Now Available For Instant Download

Click HERE To Get Your Instant Access

Hours of exclusive training all focused on helping you play your favorite songs right from day one.

The ultimate “cheat code” to learning the universal patterns you’ll need to learn your favorite songs in just a few minutes.

This video training will show you all of the music theory you’ll need to know in a concise and easy to understand form, to eliminate any confusion.

This video training will show you all of the music theory you’ll need to know in a concise and easy to understand form, to eliminate any confusion.

This video training will show you all of the music theory you’ll need to know in a concise and easy to understand form, to eliminate any confusion.

This video training will show you all of the music theory you’ll need to know in a concise and easy to understand form, to eliminate any confusion.

Pc, Mac, smart phone, tablet, it doesn’t matter. If you can access the internet, you can practice anywhere in the world.

Enter my private members area where you’ll join other Pick Up And Play members who are here to learn from and support each other.

You’ll have full peace of mind knowing that you have 30 full days to go through the training and decide if it’s right for you or not, completely risk free.

What Is Pick Up And Play?

Pick Up And Play is a video course and system for learning to play many favorite songs almost flawlessly in just minutes. 

We aren’t talking about a passing trend. The skills you learn will last a lifetime.

No, you won’t become Hendrix in a weekend, or be able to shred overnight… But you will finally enjoy how you sound, while impressing your friends and family.

In addition to increased confidence, it will give you more freedom to play your guitar.

Who Is This Training For?

The program is designed for three types of guitarists.

New guitarists who want to improve on their playing skills. 

Guitarists that still haven’t mastered playing a few songs from start to finish.

Guitarists with more experience who are always looking for a better way to practice.

In addition, the training works well for people with limited time to practice.

What Exactly Is Included?

This Pick Up And Play special offer is truly special. It was my goal to make it so good that not ordering it would almost seem foolish. 

If being able to play songs on demand is of any interest to you, you won’t want to miss this. 

What you’ll get in this special offer includes the Pick Up And Play video training system, which will give you a brand new approach to learning how to play songs in just minutes.

You are also going to receive a number of exclusive bonuses you can’t find anywhere else, which will help transform your playing skills virtually overnight.

After being a self-taught guitar player myself for over 30 years, I found that all the other guitar stuff out there is nearly identical, and flat out doesn’t work for most students. 

Too many people end up putting down the guitar permanently before ever learning how to play even one of their favorite songs. 

That’s where Pick Up And Play comes in. It was designed to help you learn to play nearly all of your favorite songs in just minutes, instead of weeks or months.

Do You Offer More Advanced Training Programs?

Yes. Nothing was held back while creating this course, but for the people who want to dive deeper into more advanced guitar training, I do have a couple opportunities to “upgrade” your order after purchasing.

Not only that, but you’ll also get to “upgrade” at some pretty massive discounts.

Absolutely. I offer a full 30-Day money back guarantee in case this program isn’t for you for any reason. You have nothing to worry about since I’m taking all of the risk of trying to over-deliver.

30 Videos – Over 12 Hours of Content

Now Available For Instant Download

100% Secure 256-Bit Encrypted Checkout

Backed by My 100% Money Back Guarantee.

When I started the Pick Up And Play course I realized there were a bunch of holes in my knowledge; and the course was really able to help fill in the gaps.

Real Pick Up And Play Student

The Pick Up And Play method made it really easy for me to understand, even though English isn’t my first language.

Real Pick Up And Play Student

I recommend Pick Up And Play to anyone who wants to improve their guitar skills.

Real Pick Up And Play Student

The Pick Up And Play method is fantastic. It’s an innovative new way for learning guitar.

Real Pick Up And Play Student

Paulie showed me his Pick Up And Play method and it was unbelievable. Suddenly, the notes I had been playing came alive.

Real Pick Up And Play Student

The course showed me all of these basic formulas, and if you can just learn those, you can play just about anything. 

Real Pick Up And Play Student

I came across the Pick Up And Play method and Paulie helped me build confidence. He has a way of teaching that’s very easy to understand.

Real Pick Up And Play Student

Hours of exclusive training all focused on helping you play your favorite songs right from day one.

The ultimate “cheat code” to learning the universal patterns you’ll need to learn your favorite songs in just a few minutes.

This video training will show you all of the music theory you’ll need to know in a concise and easy to understand form, to eliminate any confusion.

Hours of exclusive training all focused on helping you play your favorite songs right from day one.

The ultimate “cheat code” to learning the universal patterns you’ll need to learn your favorite songs in just a few minutes.

This video training will show you all of the music theory you’ll need to know in a concise and easy to understand form, to eliminate any confusion.

Pc, Mac, smart phone, tablet, it doesn’t matter. If you can access the internet, you can practice anywhere in the world.

Enter my private members area where you’ll join other Pick Up And Play members who are here to learn from and support each other.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee (Priceless)

You’ll have full peace of mind knowing that you have 30 full days to go through the training and decide if it’s right for you or not, completely risk free.


Now Available For Instant Download

Click HERE To Get Your Instant Access

What Is Pick Up And Play?

Pick Up And Play is a video course and system for learning to play many favorite songs almost flawlessly in just minutes. 

We aren’t talking about a passing trend. The skills you learn will last a lifetime.

No, you won’t become Hendrix in a weekend, or be able to shred overnight… But you will finally enjoy how you sound, while impressing your friends and family.

In addition to increased confidence, it will give you more freedom to play your guitar.

Who Is This Training For?

The program is designed for three types of guitarists.

New guitarists who want to improve on their playing skills. 

Guitarists that still haven’t mastered playing a few songs from start to finish.

Guitarists with more experience who are always looking for a better way to practice.

In addition, the training works well for people with limited time to practice.

Absolutely. I offer a full 30-Day money back guarantee in case this program isn’t for you for any reason. Simply email our friendly support team at [email protected]

You have nothing to worry about since I’m taking all of the risk of trying to over-deliver.

After being a self-taught guitar player myself for over 30 years, I found that all the other guitar stuff out there is nearly identical, and flat out doesn’t work for most students. 

Too many people end up putting down the guitar permanently before ever learning how to play even one of their favorite songs. 

That’s where Pick Up And Play comes in. It was designed to help you learn to play nearly all of your favorite songs in just minutes, instead of weeks or months.

Do You Offer More Advanced Training?

Yes. Nothing was held back while creating this course, but for the people who want to dive deeper into more advanced guitar training, I do have a couple opportunities to “upgrade” your order after purchasing.

Not only that, but you’ll also get to “upgrade” at some pretty massive discounts.

What Exactly Is Included?

This Pick Up And Play special offer is truly special. It was my goal to make it so good that not ordering it would almost seem foolish. 

If being able to play songs on demand is of any interest to you, you won’t want to miss this. 

What you’ll get in this special offer includes the Pick Up And Play video training system, which will give you a brand new approach to learning how to play songs in just minutes.

You are also going to receive a number of exclusive bonuses you can’t find anywhere else, which will help transform your playing skills virtually overnight.

Now Available For Instant Download

Click HERE To Get Your Instant Access

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Rock Mastery is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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